Hollywood Insiders-NWO conspiracy
Hollywood Insiders: Documentary Descriptions
Hollywood Insiders: Illuminati Esotera [27min]
(released Jan. 31st, 2010) Exposes one of the Illuminati's most closely guarded secrets, body transformation. Skull-n-bones, the freemasons. It also examines Steve Jackson's cardgame Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy, along with George Lucas and his "Jedi." Finally, it reveals specifics of magic, rituals, demons, spirits, and Satanism. [More about Illuminati Esotera]
Hollywood Insiders: Magick & The Matrix [37min]
(released Dec. 15th, 2009) is about Abdul AlHazred's Necronomicon and the Illuminati's concealment of the truths it bares. This documentary takes a practical look at black magic and the forces behind it. Then, delves into The Matrix-like world the Necronomicon paints. It discusses the multi-dimensional beings that feed off of us, parallel universes, and explains much Illuminati and Freemasonic imagery. [More about Magick & The matrix]
Hollywood Insiders: Full Disclosure [73min]
(released Oct. 6th, 2009) A full-length documentary that takes a deep, analytical look at Illuminati and freemasonic symbolism in numerous movies. Examining each movie's use of all-seeing eyes, pyramids, suns, and serpents; then reviewing more covert satanic symbolism rooted in Egyptian, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Examining [Batman,Watchmen,The Simpsons,Men in Black,Tomb Raider,Blade,Hellboy,The Lion King,THX-1138,Conan the Barbarian,Stargate,The man who would be king,Spawn,Dogma,Gabriel,The Road to El Dorado] [More about Full Disclosure]
Hollywood Insiders: Dark Stars [38min]
(released Mar. 6th, 2009) examines Illuminati symbolism, Predictive programming, 9/11 synchronicities, Steve Jackson's cardgame "Illuminati", and Satanism in Hollywood and the music industry. Also reviewing: They Live, The Matrix, Fight Club, 300, Independence Day, Things to come, Demolition Man, The Man who would be king, Happy Feet. [More about Dark Stars].